harnessing the power of photography for good

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Do Something Balboa Park Clean Up (Morley Field & Florida Canyon)

What a great day to serve the community of San Diego and the Lord.  The Rock was back at Balboa Park to continue our clean up efforts and to help our neighbors by making Balboa Park a better place.  We are not letting budget cuts and the economy keep us from enjoying our parks.  WE ARE A DO SOMETHING CHURCH!  It is hard work to donate your time and energy to help our neighbors but in the end it is all worth it.  We definitely had some fun as well as putting in some hard work for the city and what better way could we bless the place in which we live.  Hope you enjoy the pics and keep an eye out for our gallery with whole collection from all of the locations we worked today.


Jim Wanglund

Rock Photographer

Silent Ride 4 Jesus…

Well my third anniversary with the Rock Photographers has come and gone with our annual Silent Ride 4 Jesus.  I was still new to the Rock and was going through XBI when I  first rode with the Mountain Bike Ministry (MTB).  At the time I was preparing for the Jamaica Mission trip and was working with Kevin Loomis on the Flankers School project.  Kevin invited me along for the ride and I offered to shoot it for the Rock MTB website.  After the ride I bumped into Brother Joe leader of our merry band of Rock Photogs and the rest is history.  Finding God’s talent inside is something that I longed for and I am thankful that He has put me in such good company which I call family.

I can’t end this little blog entry though without a shout out to Zack Jones.  Thanks for coming out and riding with us and a great devotional.  If anyone is curious about the history of the Silent Ride 4 Jesus take a look at my past posts.  May God bless you and I sincerely hope that you have found your God-given talent to make the short trip through this world closer to Him.

I guess those that can jump, can also ride, and preach!!!  🙂   Pastor Zack Jones is a man of many talents for Him!


Jim Wanglund

Rock Photographer

you can see more pics from the Silent Ride HERE

Toys For Joy: The reason for it all…

Amazing how everyone both guests and volunteers, braved the cold and rain to make this a successful event.  The main focus of course was to help those in need at this special time of the year.  The look of anticipation on the kids faces was more than enough reward for me but even more important was the lives that were changed  A simple gesture of the giving of ones time, some toys, clothes, food, and/or prayer are all that He asks of us.  But how often He gives us so much more back in the interactions we have with others while sharing the love He intended us to use.  We don’t ask for any anything in return for our gestures of good will but God always surprises us with what we least expect.  May God work on your heart this Christmas and as we rush around, try to remember that there are many who need our love and support.

In Him,

Jim Wanglund

Photo Class 4: Creative Techniques

Photo Class 4
Creative Techniques
Wednesday 11/18/09
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Room 353

Come join us for another fun class to learn more about the fundamentals of photography. We will use the techniques that we have learned so far and this time around we will discuss thinking outside the box.  Bring your ideas to class and we will share some techniques we have used to get that shot that turns peoples heads.  Don’t forget to bring your equipment as we will have another fun exercise.  Make sure that you are studied up on your camera settings because we are going to play a game of speed chess.  We won’t actually be playing chess but you will need to think quickly and creatively for this one.  It will be fun and I am sure we will all learn something from this exercise.

If you have any questions please let us know: photoministry@therocksandiego.org. I look forward to seeing you all in class.


Jim Wanglund
Rock Photographer

But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. – John 3:21

Baptism @ The Plunge

I love baptisms! There is nothing more significant than watching someone make their declaration in public that they have given their life to Jesus. That declaration is a commitment that won’t keep them from sin or death but it will prepare them for everlasting life in heaven as well as putting them on the path to serve Him. A step of faith is symbolized by immersion in water and is not a requirement. I always marvel at how it represents our trust in Him. We close our eyes, lay back in another persons arms, and then let them dunk us. We do this with eyes closed and complete trust that we will surface again to take a breath. This is how we should also live our lives by trusting that God will always be there for us when we are in need. This is why I love baptisms so much. For me besides capturing these moments through photography, it reminds me that I need to have that same trust in Him.

Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In Him,

Jim Wanglund

Photo Class 3: Framing & Composition

Photo Class 3
Framing & Composition
Wednesday 11/04/09
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Room 353

Come join us for another fun class to learn more about the fundamentals of photography. We will use the techniques that we have learned so far and add how to frame and setup your subject. This class will focus on the why are we taking a photo and understanding how slight changes to your technique can completely change the mood and message.

If you have any questions please let us know: photoministry@therocksandiego.org. I look forward to seeing you all in class.


Jim Wanglund
Rock Photographer

But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. – John 3:21

Photo Class 2: Program Modes

10/28/09 Lesson 2: Program Modes

Photo Class 2
Program Modes
Wednesday 10/28/09
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Room 353

If you are new to photography or if you are just curious about the Photo Ministry, feel free to join us for our next class. We will be discussing program modes for our cameras. Last week we went over aperture, shutter, and ISO which are the key components to a good shot. This week we will discuss how the camera automatically uses presets of last weeks subject to make it easier to setup a shot. We will also take a trip out to the fountains of Liberty Station for a few shots to test what has been learned so far. If you have a tripod please bring it to class but don’t worry about the equipment. We have a couple of loaners just in case.

If you have any questions please let us know: photoministry@therocksandiego.org. I look forward to seeing you all in class.


Jim Wanglund
Rock Photographer

But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. – John 3:21

Photo Class 1: Fundamental Techniques

Photo Class 1
Fundamental Techniques
Wednesday 10/21/09
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Room 353

Are you interested in photography? Do you want to learn more about the art or maybe you just want to take a better family photo? If you answered yes to either of those questions please come join us for our first class. We have already had a great meet and greet session but there is still room for more people. This will be the first of five classes and you can see the rest on the photo class tab at the top of the page. Feel free to come and check us out. For those who would like to participate please see below for a few things to remember to bring to the first class.

• Please read through your manual for your camera and bring it to class. If you are missing a manual you can find it on the manufactures’ website for most models. You don’t need to know it all, just become a little more familiar with your camera.
• Always bring your camera to class if you have one. We may need it to instruct you on a particular technique.
o If you are shooting digital please make sure the battery is charged and that you have a card ready with available space.
o If you are shooting film please make sure that you have fresh batteries and general purpose film ready to go. If you are not sure what to get don’t worry. Just bring your camera and we will help you with getting setup for our next class.
• For our first class please bring your top 5 photos in digital format or on photo paper. We would prefer digital so that it is easier to share with the whole class. We will work with most digital formats including but not limited to: CF, SD, Compact Disc, USB Thumb Drives, and DVD.
o Please make sure the photos are easy to find, preferably in a folder separated from your other photos. If you are unsure of how to do this don’t worry. Just write down the names of the photos on your preferred media on a piece of paper and we will explain how to move the files around during class.
o Please make sure to also note one favorite of the bunch. Just in case we don’t have enough time for everyone to get through five we will have enough time for one photo each.
o It would also be nice to have a little background behind each picture. Just a little something to tell the class what you were thinking and why you took the photo. Accidents are welcome as a good part of photography is timing and sometimes things just happen without you knowing how it was performed. This can lead to some interesting discussions to decipher what made the shot.
• Most important of all is to bring an open mind to others visions and views of the world. We all come from different backgrounds which can make for a great learning experience for us all. A little prayer also can’t hurt and can go a long way toward letting God work in your life.

If you have any questions please let us know: photoministry@therocksandiego.org. I look forward to seeing you all in class.


Jim Wanglund
Rock Photographer

But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. – John 3:21

Tech Tuesday: Fireworks

Here are some quick tech tips for those of you who may be shooting fireworks this Independence Day.

#1 Use a tripod.
#2 Use a tripod (In case you didn’t get it the first time). Also remember to make sure that the location you are shooting at will allow them.
#3 Turn off your flash.
#4 Focus to infinity (or the farthest object away from the camera)
#5 Know your subject locations and try to use a backdrop that will identify your location. Fireworks by themselves are nice but with a city skyline or other landmark they are even better.
#6 Shoot often or use long exposures for your shot.
#7 Get to your location early for setup and to get a good vantage point.
#8 Try different angles to make the shot more interesting.
#9 If you are shooting digital, check your photo for contrast and sharpness during your shoot.
#10 If you are shooting film, try doing a double exposure (more than one shot on the same frame) for an effect that will add more action to the picture. You can duplicate this process using Photoshop or other editor for digital.

If you want to learn more, please stop by the Rock Church (Room 353) on Wednesday 7/1/09 @ 7pm. We will have a class that will go into more detail on how to shoot fireworks and after the class we will be going to Crown Point to test out our new skills. Hope to see you there.

Blessings and good shooting,

Jim Wanglund
Rock Photographer

Tech Tuesday: The first post with many more to come (Holga)…

This is the first of many posts to come that will focus on tech stuff mostly related to photography. I love photography and I am always striving to learn a new technique or get the latest scoop on the technology behind the art. Some of the items that I will share will be things that I have learned over time while other posts will be related to things I have read recently. I hope you enjoy these posts and please feel free to leave comments.

So I thought about what my first post would be and I was all set to post it when I read the below article.

Holga article found in Wired.com

I thought of Brother Joe after reading it and couldn’t resist posting it. Brother Joe has a passion not only for film photography but also the quirky Holga cameras. I don’t own one personally but I am intrigued by the 🙂 almost cult like 🙂 following of its users. Yea I know bad choice of words for a Christian blog but you gotta have a sense of humor about this world sometimes. After all it can’t be any worse than the Nikon shooters and their following (Don’t worry Trevor, we still love you!). I too am interested in the style this camera produces and one day hope to have the time to try out this tool.

I hope you enjoyed the article and hopefully Brother Joe will try some of the interesting hacks that are listed. If you do them Brother Joe please post how they worked out for you.


Jim Wanglund
Rock Photographer

Balboa Park Clean-Up…

The Rock Church has dedicated 600,000 hours toward community service this year and 100,000 of those hours are dedicated to the city of San Diego. The city was truly blessed and thankful for our 1000 volunteers this Saturday that performed all kinds of work in Balboa Park. We performed work that included trash pickup, landscaping, and tree planting. We worked so well that we even finished up early which allowed everyone to get some much needed food and rest. Everyone even braved through the rain to complete the work and not a complaint was heard while serving our community and the Lord. Thank you to all those who participated and showed others how the Holy Spirit can work through our church.

In Him,

Jim Wanglund
Rock Photographer

to see more pics of the Rock in action look HERE

Ask Event Noon Update…

Amazing to listen to the testimony of so many people and how they have come to Christ. It is also just as incredible to be able to listen quietly and hear what God is trying to say to you. Have you spoken to God yet today? Has He spoken back to you? There is still time to come and join us in fellowship, worshiping the Lord.

We have had prayer for the Youth Ministry and heard some of their stories. We have also spent some serious time praying for God to lift up the places in which Miles Ahead, God willing, will visit over the next couple of years. Come join us and pray for Gods will to be done in us and in this world.

Thanks Be To God!!!  He is awesome and great!!!



see more pics HERE

Ask Prayer Event: AWCIPA Allday 6am-6pm

We are blessed to have another day to honor God in prayer. Today is our quarterly prayer event where we devote 12 hours in prayer to honor what God does in our daily lives. Whether you have a couple of minutes, a couple of hours or you are here for the full 12, God will speak to you if you let Him. I have been here since 6am and God is already starting to lead my heart in this time to totally devote to Him. Please join us in the sanctuary to share in this great time of fellowship and prayer. Hope to see you here today…

In Him,


Silent Ride Revisited…

God gave me an idea before shooting the last Silent Ride For Jesus and I have finally gotten around to putting it together. If you were at one of our recent photo sharing meets you would have seen the preview. In case you didn’t see it I have it here for download:

Silent Ride Video 2009 10.7MB

Carlsbad Outreach 2009

What an incredible event to witness and see the many who came forward to accept Christ into their lives. We had an evening of fun with bikes, skate & wake boarders, bands, as well as time for prayer and more. One of the kids who stepped up to accept Christ into his life, Kyle, received a surfboard that they were giving away. What better way to start a life with Jesus then to get a new board so that the surf outreach can continue with the next generation. After all that was what this event was mainly about with the Walking On Water ministry reaching surfers who haven’t been saved.

I think we may have found a future Rock Photographer…

Welcome to a new life!



you can view the gallery from the event HERE

The Katinas Rockin Easter Sunday…

The Katinas hold a special place in the heart of The Rock Church as well as mine. Their music really makes you want to get involved and it’s amazing how they affect people through their ministry. I may not have much of a singing voice but I can’t stop myself from worship when they are in town. Enjoy the pics and in case you have never heard them before check out their site where you can listen and worship with them. The Katinas

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!


Jim Wanglund

The children are our future…

God gives us the incredible freewill in this beautiful life to make a choice. The choice is whether or not to have faith in our savior Jesus Christ. Some of us take longer to make the decision than others and some don’t make it at all. The only exceptions to this choice are the children because they are innocent. This post is for those kids who haven’t reached the age of making a decision in their life and for those just making it. I still find it amazing how the Holy Spirit works in these young people who make a decision early in life.

Some are just making their decision…

Some find their calling through ministry…

…and some are still in the age of God’s protection.

It is so wonderful to see the children in the sanctuary with their families on Easter. We are all God’s children but the young are extra special in His heart.


Jim Wanglund

Silent Ride 4 Jesus

Silent Ride 4 Jesus was created by the Rock Mountain Bike Ministry (Rock MTB) to honor Jesus and what He did for us. The Silent Ride was originally created to honor a rider who was hit and killed by a motorist, so the leaders of the Rock Mountain Bike Ministry decided what better way to honor Jesus at this important time of the year by doing the same. By riding in silence on the Saturday before Easter we expose many people to the fun of riding as well as spreading the message of Christ. The ride was setup for everyone to participate not just MTBers.

It was a year ago today that I started with the Rock Photographers and of course my first event was the Silent Ride. I originally came out to hang out with Kevin and the rest of the MTB crew but told them I would bring my camera equipment and get some shots for them. That was when I met up with Brother Joe and the rest is history. My life has been changed ever since getting plugged in with the Photo Ministry. All I can say is that if you are not a part of a ministry yet you really need to find the time. You will be amazed at what God will show you and how much more your life will be blessed.

So back to the Silent Ride… The weather report had me a little concerned but it only sprinkled for a short time during the ride. Even with the finicky weather we still had over 70 riders out for the event. The ride was at Mission Bay and we rode a little over three miles to the picnic area where we had a devotional. Pastor Ricky was there as well as his son, Elisha. Elisha did the devotional and it is amazing how devoted this 9 year old is to lead others to Christ.

Another first was one of our new shooters, Malia. She did an awesome job on roller blades even through the rain. I can’t wait to see the results of her first official shoot with the team. Only time will tell but it sounds like this new shooter is a blogger also so hopefully you will hear from her soon.

This year the event was also held by the local churches of Jackson, MS and hopefully next year we will see this catch on in many other locations. If you would like to learn more about the ministry or just want to come out for a ride check out our site at Rock MTB. Also keep an eye out for the full collection of photos at the Rock Photo Gallery.

God Bless,

Jim Wanglund

you can see pics from this years ride here

Baptism @ The Plunge

Baptism is a Christian’s first declaration of their faith in public. With all of the baptisms that I have experienced throughout my life none have been as significant for me as when I joined the Rock. Yes I was baptised in the very same pool that I am now shooting.

I have covered a few other baptisms with the Rock Photographers but this was my first where I brought my camera into the pool. All I can say is what a blessing that was for not only those proclaiming their faith but for me as well. It reminds me of Pastor Steve Brown and how he taught me to feed myself and to grow as a Christian. How he took the time to listen to me and to take me out of my comfort zone. He really challeged me to become a better Christian.

So back to the present… here I am in the pool and capturing all of these new born again Christians realizing how far I have come in such a short 3 years. That moment when you are giving your testimony and praying with a pastor in the pool is so amazing. The emotion of it all is really easy to get caught up in but our ministry is to capture that moment to remember for all time. Watching all the newly proclaimed in faith emerge from the water with an amazing look of hope and happiness is truly a work of God. It makes me realize how special His unconditional love is to us and how thankful we are to have a life reborn in Him.

In Him,

Jim Wanglund

Incredible performance of Christ in action…


2 Thessalonians 3: 1-5

Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.

Wow! What an incredible performance during Sunday service today. I don’t think anyone could have found a better way to demonstrate how Jesus will work in your life if you just give Him a chance. We (Rock Church) have many ministries that help people through crisis in their life but ultimately it comes down to you and if you want to let Him into your heart. He doesn’t care where you have been or what you have done, He is always there to take on your burdens and He will always love you. May God be with you in all your trials in this life and may you be living for the next.

In Him,
Jim Wanglund

to see more pics visit www.therocksandiego.org/pictures/2009-03-01-rockdrama

The first photo ministry meeting of the year…

Awesome that we had such a great turn out this evening for this years first photo ministry meeting.  Thank you God and to all those who felt the Holy Spirit move you to come.  We hope to see you at our next meeting on Wednesday 03/04/09 @ 7pm room 344.   We have so much planned for this year including trips, outreach events, photo classes, and of course documenting God’s work through the Rock.

This evening I felt lead to have a devotional which we hope to include in every meeting.  Here is a little bit of what I spoke to:

1 Corinthians 1:25-29

25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.

26Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him.

After reading I discussed how often we feel weak or not adequate to get involved in things we are not comfortable.  God will sometimes call us to do something and we will ignore the call because we feel that we are not prepared or don’t know the Bible well enough to teach.   Often the thing that God lays out for us to do is bigger than we are.

The good news is that it isn’t about our goodness, strength, or wisdom but God will chose those who are inadequate so that the glory goes to Him.  We  serve out of humbleness and God’s strength shines through.  Dropping the camera while shooting an event is sometimes required so that we can answer God’s call.  Shooting while the Holy Spirit is leading us is also important.  We must remember that God’s work and will come first and the photography comes second.

In Him,

Jim Wanglund

ASK – Prayer & Fast Event




Today the Lord has lead me to The Rock Church for our fasting and prayer event.  My life as of late has been very busy and unfortunately I have not been spending as much time in prayer.  Carving out a whole day to devote to God is incredible.  The things that God will show you are amazing if you just give Him a chance. 

Fasting denies our bodies what it wants from this world so that we can concentrate on what is most important and that is Him.  It gives us time to refocus and understand that none of the busy stuff we have in our lives is really important in the end.  Yes we all have to earn a living but when it starts to take away time from the Lord then we need to regroup and re prioritize our life.  Fasting can be one of many ways to this process. 

The focus that God has given me is a blessing.  I am writing this as the event is progressing because this is how God has spoken to me.  The prayer is mainly focusing on AWCIPA which if you are not familiar with is a way in which to pray.  It stands for:

Admire God

Wait for Him to talk to you and lead you

Confess your sins

Intercede on the behalf of others

Petition for yourself

Admire God

Being a borderline ADD person and having a busy life, the hardest part for me is the Wait.  Sitting in silence and not having your mind wander can be difficult but over time becomes easier.  This is also important because this is where the Holy Spirit will guide you.  Taking the dedicated, silent time, away from our busy world is important to understanding what the Lord wants us to do for Him.

I am now going back to the event to experience the power of a group that has a common interest in the Lord and performing His works.  For those who are not here be aware that you are in our collective prayers.  Thank God for the ability to fellowship and worship in this life to prepare us for the next.  Keep in mind what we do here is just a blink of an eye in the time we spend with Him. 


Jim Wanglund


Potential is defined as capable but not yet in existence or having the power, capability, or possibility.  Since coming to Christ I have realized that my full potential was never attained in the life before knowing Him.   Pastor Miles current sermon is revolving around our church and its potential that is not even close to being realized. 

My full potential is still being developed through the Photo Ministry.  God is constantly showing me new things and guiding me to new levels of faith.  This year is proving that by wanting to change myself and my contributions to this ministry.  I am always taking myself outside the comfort zone by using the abilities that God has given me to be a good disciple. 

God has lead me to setting up a devotional to start our ministry meetings every other week.  Public speaking has never been a strong skill for me but this is where He is leading me and I will obey.  Sometimes He asks us to do things that we are not the most comfortable doing.  That is OK because with time, patience, study, and prayer He will not let us fail if He wants it to happen.

So as I wrap up this short blog, please pray for our ministry and the new direction we are heading.  No longer will we be just about documenting the Holy Spirits work through other ministries.  We will now be reaching out to people in need.  We will be teaching others how to best use their abilities for documenting Gods work.  We will be leading photo expeditions that will bring great fellowship time and may expose some to the Word in a light that they may not have experience before.  This is what ministry is all about and it is a blessing  and honor that God has chosen me to assist with spreading our faith.

In Him,

Jim Wanglund

Can you sense the urgency to receive the Lord?

Priscilla Miller , Mercy Me, and Evangelist Greg Laurie made for one incredible combination at the Harvest In The Ranch. Priscilla Miller opened up the event and got the crowd to their feet with worship followed by Mercy Me. The real impact for me though was Greg Laurie.

Lost Boy

Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie recently lost his son in a car accident. Thank God that his son was saved before he left this world was all I could think of while shooting photos and that was a part of his message as well. You never know when your time to leave this earth will come, so you need to prepare now. It might be a car accident, drug overdose, or the rapture but ultimately that time is going to come.

Harvest In The Ranch

Child Praying

Father and Child

We all have different callings in this life and we need to make the most of them in His name. I hope that my photos will move others to serve in His name and to even possibly inspire someone to come to understand the gift that Jesus gave to us. Every time I see an altar call I am always thrilled to see those who have chosen of their free will to receive the Lords gift of everlasting life. But I also realize that we have many more souls that need our help to understand their place in this world. We need to teach them to prepare for the next. Hopefully during that process many more will come to have a personal relationship with Christ and to serve in His name.

Accepting Jesus

In Him,

Jim Wanglund