harnessing the power of photography for good

Brother Joe

Fall in Oaxaca

We had the blessing of photographing Adventures in Life Ministry’s first Fall Medical Mission in Oaxaca last week.  The photo above is the Team that traveled from the U.S. to serve with Dave and AIL.  You can read a great re-cap of the week at AIL Ministry’s blog HERE.

We will be posting more stuff and photos from the week soon.


Raul was paralyzed from the chest down when the truck he and his cousins were in was hit by a gas truck that didn’t stop…that was 7 years ago.  It hasn’t been easy for him or his family but they continue to trust God for their needs and God has been faithful in His grace and mercy.  The family is a great testimony of what it means to trust God for everything and remaining faithful to Him despite the circumstances of life.

Pastor Raul and his family.

I first met Raul’s Dad, Pastor Raul, in 2010 when he came to Oaxaca to serve alongside Adventures in Life during the February Men’s Ministry week. Pastor Raul wanted to see photos we were posting but he does not have Facebook, he told me his Son did.  That’s when I became “friends” with Raul. It was a blessing to be in Guadalajara this week, where I got to finally meet Raul in person!  It’s been a great week of ministry…

We finished up work at the church on Friday and eating lunch when Raul asked me if I would take some photos of him on the grass.  Of course I said yes!  I didn’t realize that this would become one of the hardest photo sessions I’ve ever done…After taking photos of Raul he asked the folks from AACF UCLA, who were serving with Adventures in Life in Guadalajara, to come join him. As I started photographing and watching as the family gathered around Raul for photos, a few things really stood out to me.  Raul wanted some nice photos where he was not in the chair…for a few minutes he was just part of the family posing for photos, smiling, having fun, goofing around…Honestly, it took every ounce of strength I had to keep the tears back!  I’m taking photos, praying and thanking God for the blessing of being here in Guadalajara to photograph this beautiful moment.  It was magical!

This is the power of photography.  Once all the photos were done, Raul looked exhausted and was left lying on the ground, he looked in pain but had a big smile on his face.  I had to take a walk and compose myself.

The interesting thing is I don’t think some of the folks in the photo understood what just happened…The lesson was not lost on me.  I am blessed!

Adios Oaxaca!

This was our set up in 2010 when Terry Schwartz and brotherjoe first came down to Oaxaca for Summer Camp.  We brought 2 compact HP Printers to print 4×6 portraits of the kids at camp.  Since then we have been down to Oaxaca for Summer Camp 3 of the last 4 years and we have learned a lot about how much gear we need to bring.  We definitely used to bring too much back then.

This year, with 2 Summer Camps back to back, it’s been a busy week and half.  We now leave one of the printers in Oaxaca, so we don’t have to bring it down with us anymore.

The kids are just as cute as they were in 2010!  And the blessings are just as huge.  Amazingly, there are still kids who have never had their photo taken! That’s why we come to Oaxaca.

Tonight brotherjoe heads off to new territory for Mission Focused….Guadalajara!

We have never photographed on mission there, so it’s gonna be exciting!!

Adios Oaxaca!  Cya soon.

Cooking & the Gospel

Adventures in Life Ministry is dedicated to spreading the hope that can only be found in Jesus.  Dave Miller, Executive Director of Adventures in Life, will also tell you that it’s not enough to preach Jesus.  In Mexico, the mortality rate for children under 5 is twice that of the United States, mostly due to malnutrition and hunger.  Children can’t hear the Good News of Jesus when the “grumbling” and hunger pains are all they can think about.  And when they do have an opportunity to hear about Jesus, and come to saving knowledge of Him…the question still remains, where will their next meal be coming from?Photographing on mission with Adventures in Life in Oaxaca I have seen their work as they try and deal with these issues.  At Summer Camp, the kids get 3 full meals a day, packed with tons of protein.  Many of the kids who come to camp might have some sort of meat protein once a week, if that. They can have as much as they want!

This Summer they began an exciting new “culinary arts” program.  Partnering with recent Le Cordon Bleu graduate Yesenia Martinez who lead the classes in our camp kitchen, she taught the first group of students in a sort of cooking boot-camp, giving them information to help them understand what a career in cooking might look like.  On their final full day of camp the young students were brought to Oaxaca City to meet Chef Rodolfo Castellanos, Owner/Chef of Origen Restaurant.  With the help of Bricia Lopez of Guelaguetza Restaurant in L.A. the kids got to visit, get to know and cook with Chef Rodolfo in his kitchen.  It was a great morning and the Chef was more than gracious about sharing his story and how he worked hard in kitchens all over the world before making it back to Oaxaca to open his own restaurant.  He encouraged them to dream and work hard, regardless of if they wanted to be a Chef or not.

It was a exciting to see the kids look around at his restaurant and listen to someone who is from Ocotlan, Oaxaca and think that with a lot of hard work and perseverance they might be able to be a Chef as well.

These are issues most short term missions never address.  I think many of these missions trips are so focused on spreading the Good News to as many folks as possible, they never think about the physical needs of those they are trying to minister to.  It’s safe to say Adventures in Life is trying to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those they are ministering to.

Thanks again to Chef Rodolfo for being such a gracious host.  Thanks to Bricia Lopez of Guelaguetza Restaurant and thank you to Chef Yesenia Martinez for your willingness to come to Oaxaca and share your passion for food with the students.

Guelaguetza Parade…a few photos

One of the great things Adventures in Life is does, is they encourage those coming on mission with them to engage and experience the culture of Oaxaca.  The Guelaguetza is the biggest cultural celebration in Oaxaca, some would say all of Mexico.  It’s a chance for the different communities in the State of Oaxaca to come into the city and celebrate “being” Oaxacan!   The last 2 weeks of July every year, the city is alive with music, color, art, food and dance…a cultural kaleidoscope!

These are just a few photos of the Guelaguetza parade.  If you ever get a chance, and I highly encourage you to…come visit Oaxaca during the last 2 weeks of July!  You won’t be disappointed.

In Oaxaca, Serving with Adventures in Life Ministry

Brotherjoe is in Oaxaca once again, photographing Summer Camp at Pastor Chable’s.  He will be there till August 4th, then he will spend the next week in Guadalajara photographing camp there.

There is no internet at the camp, but when possible, photos will be posted on our Facebook,  https://www.facebook.com/MISSIONfocusedPhotography and on the Adventures in Life FB page, https://www.facebook.com/AdventuresInLife

This was the great team of folks who were serving the kids at the camp this past week.  Please keep brotherjoe in prayer…Thanks

team group

Travelling Light to Oaxaca :: Gotta Love Think Tank Photo!

It was a  long day of travel…it all  started on May 16th at 830pm San Diego time and ended in Oaxaca, Mexico at 630pm local time, May 17th.  I’ve been to Oaxaca 8 or 9 times in the last 4 years, photographing for Adventures in Life Ministry.

The first time I came I had my Shapeshifter and Airport International, along with a smaller roller with clothes that I would checkin.  I’ve learned over the past few years what works for me, and in the end that’s what matters.  I have also learned that the airlines in Mexico don’t care what’s in your roller. If they want to  be sticklers for the rules, they won’t let you bring your rolling case on board.  Especially if it weighs 24kg and the limit is 15kg!  Oops!!  

I love my Shapeshifter pack, it holds what I want and with some coaxing, I can fit it with the gear in the photo in the overhead bin of an AeroMexico Embrear Jet.

So this is my Think Tank Photo Shapeshifter…I love it!  I love Oaxaca and can’t wait to see more of the beautiful city.  I will be posting as much as possible, but come Tuesday, I will be up in the mountains above Oaxaca for a few days shooting in Tlaxiaco…not sure if I will have wifi.  We will see….

Back in Mexico!

untitled-8799Greetings from Casa Arnel.

I’m ( brotherjoe) in Mexico for the next week doing some photographing and planning for this Summer with Dave Miller, executive director of Adventures in Life Ministry.

Please keep us in prayer…for safety, good weather to photograph in and patience.

What was to be a relatively simple flight from Tijuana to Oaxaca, via Mexico City, turned into a long day of travel on a bus to Oaxaca from Mexico City.  This time of year the local farmers are burning off the corn fields to prepare the land for planting of the next crop of corn.  The airport in Oaxaca is downwind from many of these farms and was closed down yesterday due to the thick smoke coming from these farms.

We had to re-schedule or cancel some meetings since we weren’t able to get to Oaxaca til about 630pm.  Our original flight had us arriving in Oaxaca at 930am.  That’s ministry in Mexico.  Things change, stuff happens, you have to be patient and flexible.

Thankfully, I’m used to it now so you just roll with it.

I’m excited to be in Oaxaca.  Praise God!

You can keep track of what we are doing here and on Facebook  www.facebook.com/MISSIONfocusedPhotography

Adventures in Life  www.facebook.com/AdventuresInLife


Serving Alongside Adventures in Life in Mexico

edit-2584We have been blessed to photograph the work of Adventures in Life in Mexico over the past 4 years.  This photo was taken in the main marketplace in Oaxaca, with the owner of the world famous NIEVES OAXAQUEÑAS CHAGÜITA.   Our friend Crystal (Multi Cultural Cooking Network) posted a nice little article about the work Dave Miller and Adventures in Life Ministry has been doing in Mexico, you can read the article HERE.

Toys for Joy

Toys for Joy began over 15 years ago by Miles McPherson and Miles Ahead Ministries.  I first started photographing at Toys for Joy, I think in 2002.  This year’s Toys for Joy is just around the corner.

The photos here were taken back in 2003 by my friend and fellow photographer Rafael Delgado.

The event is now run under the umbrella of the Rock Church.  Miles McPherson is the pastor at the Rock.

Since 2002 I have photographed almost every Toys for Joy Christmas outreach.  Every year is different and to be honest, sometimes you wonder if the folks in line are really in need…that’s when I pray and seek to tell the story of what God is doing at this great event.   In the spirit of giving and blessing others, you have to look the other way when you see a teen in line, listening to music with his $200 beats headphones connected to  his iPhone while wearing $150 Air Jordans…One of the great things about Toys for Joy back when I first got involved, was that every man, woman and child that was in line heard the Good News of Christ coming at Christmas and His death and resurrection at Easter.  That everyone might have life in Christ.  Every person heard this message and was given a chance to pray to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, before heading into the toy area.

Photographers by nature are observers…we are always looking for the “shot” that will tell the story in 1 photo…

I think Rafael got pretty close on this photo.  One of the traditions of  Toys for Joy was to award a bicycle to a young boy and girl near the end of the event…This young girl was just told she was going to be getting a new bicycle for Christmas!  The rest of the photos add to the story…

Praise God for Toys for Joy.  That kids who might not receive anything at Christmas might be blessed and know who this season is truly about….Jesus!

You can learn more about Toys for Joy by going HERE.

Golfing To Help Reshape Children’s Destiny

Calicinto Ranch’s annual Barcelo Classic Golf Tournament was held this year at the beautiful Legends course in Temecula. The Barcelo family has been a faithful sponsor for each of the last seven tournaments. Participating in the Tournament is a way to support The Ranch in their effort to break the cycle that youth walk in when their parents are in prison. Barna Research reports that 7 out of 10 children of prisoners follow their parents into incarceration. There are over 70,000 children of prisoners in Southern California, over 2 million in our nation! Calicinto Ranch is lovingly showing the children of prisoners that they don’t have to be like their parents.

Red Robin donated the yummy lunches for all the golfers as a result of Any Jones and her team. The Red Robin team also contributed to the tournament by entering a foursome of golfers which included Andrew Mulz, Don Clark, Paul Bankston, Kenny Hom.  The Red Robin team additionally sponsored a hole and participated in the Ball Release, even to the extent of donating the winning money to Calicinto Ranch instead of keeping it. When making a choice on where to dine out consider Red Robin to thanks them for their generous donation to Calicinto Ranch.

The support from the Law Enforcement group was particularly inspiring. Their foursome included Capt. Gregory Peck, Retired Chief Gary Dominguez, Capt. Glen Dominguez and Officer Kevin Poulter. These are men who truly understand the significance of what the Ranch can do to help stop children from following in their parents footsteps.

The day included a putting contest, the longest drive, and a closest to the pin contest.

The Helicopter ball release was a creative way for people to donate money to The Ranch. 1000 balls were dropped from the Helicopter and if the ball you paid for was the closes to the pin you would receive half the money from the pool and The Ranch would receive the other half.

The day concluded with a delicious dinner gala, a silent auction, many door prize drawings, the announcement of the golf tournament winners and most importantly a glimpse into how consequential Calicinto Ranch is in the lives of at risk youth who have been able to attend a life changing camp.

For more information or to help support Calicinto Ranch click HERE

To follow them on Facebook click HERE

To see more photos from the day click HERE

Horizon Fall Festival

Our friend and fellow photographer Dr. Jim has been taking photos at Horizon North County for quite some time now.  I had the pleasure of meeting him a few years back and since then, I’ve helped him photograph several different events at Horizon.  He has helped MISSION focused photograph several events over the years as well.

Photography can be a very solitary art at times.  It’s not uncommon to hear about photographers waiting days, weeks and even years… for the perfect photo.  Much of that time in the middle of nowhere all by themselves.

With a little extra effort, it can  be a time of community and sharing, where photographers come together and learn from each other.  This sharing of the creative process is in my opinion healthy, and beneficial.  There’s nothing like getting up in front of your fellow photographers and explaining why and how you took a certain photo.Last week I went to Horizon’s Annual Fall Festival with Cyndy and Danie, to help Dr. Jim take photos of this years festivities.  I think I have been to the last 3 or 4 of these, it’s always a great time and a wonderful alternative for young families who don’t want their kids roaming the neighborhood at night.  There’s tons of fun activities for big and little kids along with chairs, coffee and entertainment for the folks.

These are just a few of the photos that we took.  You can learn more about Horizon North County HERE.  Enjoy.

Jesus Geeks in Action!

Jack praying for Faris Hassan after delivering a laptop for him and his family.  They are refugees from Iraq and have been in the US less than 5 months.Faris with his wife and kids.

Jesus Geeks is a non-profit ministry that provides quality computer services for those who can’t afford it.  They also take old computers and repair & refurbish them…then they donate them to families who don’t have computers.  Sunday I had the chance to follow Jack, leader of Jesus Geeks ministry,  as he delivered 2 laptop computers to families in need.  In the case of Faris, they are Muslims, but Jesus Geeks don’t discriminate…the family needed a computer and they delivered.

The ministry is about serving Jesus with their gifts.  They have learned to be culturally sensitive with families who don’t know Jesus…but when Jack asked if he could pray for them they gladly accepted.   After praying, Jack closed the prayer by praying ” in the name of Isa Jesus.  Amen.”  Jack said Isa is the name Muslims use for Jesus.  Very cool.

Jack helping set up the laptop for another family from Ethiopia.

Kids are kids, no matter where your from.  The computer isn’t quite ready for play, but the kids don’t care…

Gabrawhout with his wife and 6 kids.  They have been in the US for less than 8 months.  While Jack was setting up the computer, I spent much of my time photographing their middle boy, on the left between his big brother and sister.  He was so much fun, wanting to pose for me whenever I wasn’t taking photos of Jack in action…Praise God for the work God is doing through Jack and the Jesus Geeks ministry.  If you want more info about the Jesus Geeks ministry, you can go HERE.

San Diego Rescue Mission :: Graduation at First Presbyterian Church San Diego

Was blessed to photograph the San Diego Rescue Mission’s latest Graduating class tonite.  It was held at one of the oldest churches in San Diego, First Presbyterian.  I love the pipes!  There is something to be said for the old school charm and beauty of these old churches!  More photos from Graduation soon….

Adventure Friends…

The Adventures in Life 20th Celebration was a great evening to come together and thank God for the work that He has done through Adventures in Life in Mexico.  I always look forward to these gatherings because I get to see good friends in the Los Angeles area that I don’t get to see as often…So Sunday was an added bonus for me!

Grady Martine and Paul Lathrop.  I’ve known these guys for some time.  Grady was the one who God used to get a hold of me back in high school.  He and another friend Danny Mandagie, wouldn’t let me not go to Younglife…as hard as I tried, God had another plan.  I am forever thankful to both of them for dragging me to Younglife.

Paul and Grady grew up together in Pacific Grove, and Paul came to live in San Diego with Grady in between missionary stops in Columbia and Mexico.  That’s when I met Paul.

Paul and his wife Deanne, at the Adventures in Life 20th Celebration.

My good friend Ernie, with his lovely daughter Adrienne. Wife and Mom, Joy, couldn’t make it to the Celebration.

I think Ernie and I met back in 1995 or 96, when we were both leaders with Younglife in San Diego.  We used to meet together for a men’s Bible study group every Monday.  Paul was part of that men’s group, along with another friend Brett Bristol, who didn’t make the celebration on Sunday.

I don’t recall who moved up to L.A. first, but in a few years…Paul, Brett and Ernie all had moved to L.A. and started meeting with Dave Miller.  I had met Dave sometime after he and Grady started Adventures in Life.  Grady and his wife Barb had moved up to the Pasadena area when Grady began working on his Masters at Fuller Seminary.

Dave with Ernie and Adrienne at Restaurante Guelaguetza, where the 20th Celebration was held.

Ernie, Paul and Brett all became involved in some way or another with Adventures in Life over the years and I think we have all been blessed by this ministry.  I never had a chance to go to Mexico with Grady, Paul, Brett or Ernie.  Perhaps in the future.  I do know that these are friends that I will have for a lifetime!  This is another reason why I am thankful for Adventures in Life!

Here’s to another 20 years of ministry!!

Sleepless San Diego :: Face of Homelessness

I first started photographing for the San Diego Rescue Mission in 2003, at their Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner.  It has been a true honor to see up close, through the lens, the work that the Mission is doing for the homeless population in San Diego.

At this years Sleepless San Diego, the had a photo exhibit called “Face of Homelessness.”

Inside this tent were photos of the homeless in San Diego.  Linda, who put the exhibit together asked if I would contribute some photos, since she heard I had been helping photograph at the Mission.  I said it would be an honor and I gladly gave her a few photos to pick from.  These are a few of the photos that they used…

This was taken in the morning before the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.  Groups go into downtown inviting the homeless to dinner…I was following a group that wandered down to Seaport Village Embarcadero Park.

I think this photo was taken at Easter Dinner.  One of the great things the Mission does is after the dinner, they give everyone a “goodie” bag of essentials.  They have 3 Community Dinners a year: Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  If you want to be blessed, volunteer for one of these events.
This was taken at a homeless outreach in Balboa Park.  They meet on Saturday mornings for Church Without Walls.  They invite the homeless to come, rest and attend church.  Afterwards they feed them lunch, hand out Bibles and just talk with them.

The next 2 were also taken at Church Without Walls at Christmas time.

After the service, they gave out Christmas presents to everyone along with backpacks full of toiletries, socks and other assorted essential items.  This young boy came with his dad, and I think he was blessed as much as the man receiving the present.  It was certainly a humbling moment.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you,and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

(Matthew 11:28-30 ESV)

I am truly thankful for the opportunity to share some of these photos.  Hopefully, through these images folks can see that homelessness isn’t constrained by age or gender.  

These volunteers were walking around Sleepless with these signs…1 in 4 homeless are young adults ages 18-30!   The signs speak for themselves, even the ones upside down!

The SD Rescue Mission created this great video about 5 ways we can help the homeless.  Please take a look

Promise Keepers San Diego :: Called Out

My first experience with Promise Keepers was at Anaheim Stadium in 1994 (seen here, before becoming a baseball only stadium).

It was an experience that I can still remember and it was when God really showed me the importance and the power of men who come together to pray and hold each other accountable.  Since 1994 I think I have been to 4 other Promise Keeper events, either to attend or photograph.This past weekend Promise Keepers was back in San Diego at SDSU‘s Viejas Arena.  The last time I was at there it was for the Rock Church Easter Service in 2007.  It was fun to wander around underneath, hard to believe it was 5 years ago since I was last there.Volunteers getting their assignmentsIt was a blessing to help Promise Keepers document this year’s conference in San Diego.  It was their last event for the year and it finished well.  Promise Keepers might not be filling 60,000+ seat stadiums right now, but I was exciting to see what God was doing.  They are trying to equip and encourage the men of the church.  Young and old and everything in between!   Calling them Out to be Men of God…in their marriages, families, churches, work places and communities.  There is talk of Promise Keepers coming back through San Diego next year.  If they do, I will be there!  What a blessing!

A Look Back at August 2012

Since returning from Oaxaca at the beginning of August, it seems like I have been going non-stop.   As I sit in Chick-fil-A and look back it’s hard to believe that it’s September 3rd.  Where did August go?

It’s a good thing I have photos to look back on to help me answer this question…if not for that, I don’t know what I would do.  So, as a way to maintain some sanity and to share what God has been doing I share these photos of August 2012.  God is good!

Beginning of August, finished photographing Summer Camp in Oaxaca, with Adventures in Life.  Taking portraits of cute little kids and some not so little kids….I got to spend some time with family, always a blessing.   We came together to celebrate my youngest niece Olivia’s 9th Birthday.

2002 Rock Church Staff photo, taken by Rafael Delgado.
In August I started looking through and uploading on Facebook old photos from the archives.   Photos are great reminders of what God has done in the past and a way of showing those who came before us.  This photo is from a 2003 Rock Church baptism at Mariner’s Point, Mission Bay.I love this photo.  Pete Giordano took this photo at one of the first Rock Baptisms, Mariners Point, I believe in 2001.  He is a great photographer who loves black & white film.    The photo speaks for itself.

August 16th, the Rock Academy started school.  I have had the privilege of photographing at the Academy for several years now…I watched a few kids graduate this past May that I have known since they were in elementary school.  It’s always fun to see the new faces as well as the familiar ones, in expectation…Blessings on the Rock Academy for a great school year! 

My friends kids, Valeria, Veronica and Diego.  It was their first day at their new school…August 18th, taking photos in San Marcos at Knob Hill Elementary.  Rock Church North County was there to help beautify the campus…over 150 folks came out that day.  That afternoon, Warriors Indoor Club Soccer…Photos are from the 18th and 25th.Rock North County had a Marriage “Date Night” on August 24th.  They asked us to document the evening and take portraits of the happy couples…Rock North County Baptism, August 27th at Carlsbad Lagoon.  A great place to declare your faith in Jesus publicly…August 31st, Friday night lights.  Rock Academy Football team had their season opener versus Capistrano Valley Christian. It was a close game but in the 2nd half Capo Valley pulled away winning 35-21.August was busy, but after looking through several thousand photos I can’t complain.  I get to use my gifts to serve Jesus and bless others!  Hopefully September does’t go as fast…

Adventures in Life :: Twenty

Our friends at Adventures in Life Ministry are celebrating 20 years of ministry in Mexico.  We are truly blessed to have been able to photograph what God is doing through AIL in Ensenada and Oaxaca.  In the next few months we will be sharing a few of our favorite photos from the last 3 years that we have been photographing for Adventures in Life.  You can learn more about the work of Adventures in Life by going HERE.  Enjoy!

Our 2nd trip to Oaxaca in July of 2010 for AIL Kids Summer Camp at Pastor Chable’s farm in Zimatlan, Oaxaca.  

The above photo was taken as we were waiting for a bus so we could make our way to Tlacolula from the city…I remember hearing Dave say,” jump on the nicest bus”…which we did.  In the mean time we passed up 4 or 5 buses and ended up waiting another 30 minutes.  I was fine, but the gals apparently had to go to the bathroom.  The nice bus ride was 40 minutes to our destination….

This was taken in San Felipe Guila, about an hour away from the city of Oaxaca.  We were there with the Medical Team.  The folks there loved the photos, we took over 70 portraits in 2 days….of families, kids and different combinations of friends and family.  What a great time

The men had just finished eating at one of Dave’s favorite roadside eating establishments, Taqueria El Rodeo, across the street from the main bus station in Oaxaca City (if you ever find yourself in the area you must go eat there)…and we were walking back to Casa Arnel when we bumped into these guys.  The world famous Tuna de la Urse, one of the best roaming minstrels in Mexico and beyond…  They travel all around the world competing and winning.  They played for us and then the men got to pose with them!  Great food and great music!

Happy 20 years of ministry to Adventures in Life!  We hope yall have at least another 20!  Praise God!!

Adventures in Life, Oaxaca & Photography

2010 AIL Summer Camp at Pastor Chable’s farm (Zimatlan, Oaxaca Mexico)

3 years ago I made my first trip to Oaxaca with Dave Miller and Adventures in Life.  I have known Dave for quite some time and I have many friends who have been very involved with AIL over the years.   I almost made it Ensenada 15 years ago, give or take a few years,  with AIL but it didn’t happen.

Terry in action at 2010 AIL Summer Camp

Understanding that God’s timing is perfect,  I finally made it in February of 2010.  It was on that trip that I began talking with Dave about bringing more photographers to Oaxaca in order to photograph the work that AIL was doing and to take portraits of kids and families in Oaxaca.

If you have ever been on a mission trip, one thing you will notice is that everyone serving seems to have a camera.  What you see is someone taking a photo, usually of kids, and then they show the image on the screen of the camera and that’s it.  The folks you are serving never see the photos ever again.  Our goal as a ministry is to fix this problem.  The Summer of 2010, Terry Schwartz came to Oaxaca with me to photograph AIL Summer Camp at Pastor Chable’s farm.  We brought with us 2 HP printers so each student that came to camp could take home a photo of the whole camp and a picture of themselves.  The photo above is of our “command center” that week.

Cyndy has been to Oaxaca several times, like Terry, to take portraits and to photograph the work of AIL in Oaxaca.

Some of the students looking at their photos from this summers camp in Oaxaca.

One of the biggest blessings for us is knowing that we were the first photographers to take some of these students portraits!  It’s something that I can never forget or take for granted.  We live in a world here in the U.S. where everyone has a camera, whether its a traditional camera or a phone with one.  And to think that someone has never had their photo taken?  

I took this gal’s photo in 2010.  She is from San Pedro Amatlan, a small town several hours in the mountains above the city of Oaxaca.  Cyndy and I visited this town with AIL’s Medical Team in March, where we had the chance to photograph families while we were there.

I recognized her from camp and I asked her if she was coming to camp in July.  She was not able to make it.  I also asked her if she still had the photo we took of her in 2010.  She smiled and said “yes.”  We took the photo above of her with some of her family…we left this and other photos we took before we headed down the mountain that evening.

These are some of the portraits we have had the privilege of taking over the past 3 years in Ensenada and Oaxaca… 

This Summer was a blessing for us as a ministry.  Since we started taking portraits of students at camp in 2010, we have been able to take portraits several different times on numerous trips to Oaxaca with Adventures in Life, in a half dozen locations around Oaxaca and in Ensenada with Dios es Amor Church this summer!  Praise God!

2012 AIL Summer Camp

It is our desire to help ministries like Adventures in Life by documenting in photographs the work they are doing, and help AIL and the local church in areas like  Oaxaca and Ensenada extend their reach into the community through photography.

MISSION focused is now a non profit  501 (c) 3, registered with the State of California and the IRS.  If you would like to support the work that we are doing in Oaxaca and in San Diego, it would be a blessing to us.  At this point in time we are not set up for credit card donations, so for now you can send a check payable to “MISSION focused” to the following address:  MISSION focused ~ 8030 La Mesa Blvd  #326  La Mesa CA, 91942

If you are a photographer, and have a desire to use your gifts for God’s Glory and to serve others, we would love to talk with you about future trips we are planning….

All Glory to God!

2012 Guelaguetza :: Oaxaca

The Guelaguetza, aka Los Lunes del Cerro (Mondays on the Hill) happens the last 2 Mondays of July in the streets of Oaxaca City, and in surrounding towns and villages throughout the State of Oaxaca.  It’s a celebration of everything that is Oaxaca.  It’s  a wash of color, sound, smell and taste that makes the culture in Oaxaca so unique.

If you ever get a chance to visit, you really must come during the Guelaguetza.

Oaxaca 2012 :: Outreach Club in San Baltazar

Monday was the first day of Adventures in Life Outreach Club in San Baltazar, Oaxaca.  There were over 75 kids from the church and community that came to learn more about Jesus.  There were also 10 women who came to their Women’s Ministry sewing clinic.  You can see a few more photos on our Facebook page HERE.

Guelaguetza Parade 2012 :: July 21st

The streets were jam packed with people who came to see the 80th Anniversary of La Guelaguetza parade, down the middle of downtown Oaxaca.

It was a long day…you can see a few more photos from the parade on our Facebook page.  You can go there by pressing HERE or by clicking link to the right.  More photos soon.

Long, fun day…time for some rest!


Oaxaca Summer 2012 :: Locked and Loaded!

Victory Loves Preparation!

Bags are packed…ready as I will ever be.  I’m heading off to Oaxaca tonight for 2 weeks of shooting with Adventures in Life Ministry.  This will be my 6th trip down in 3 years, and I have learned a few things over the years.

I have learned a few things over the years…no matter how well your prepared, something will happen that will throw you off and cause you to change directions in order to “keep up!”  So I basically gear up for the unexpected.

The biggest lesson of all, is that ministry in Mexico is fluid.  God is in control and He knows the beginning from the end and everything in between.  So if I rest in that assurance, I can go with the flow and ministry will be a lot more fun and successful.

In the end it’s not about whether I’m shooting with a Canon or Nikon camera, or if I’m using a PC or a Mac.

It’s about using the gifts that He has given me to the best of my ability.

So I prepare as best as I can, and I bring what gear I think I will need and use, and then I do my best to shoot what God shows me in a manner that brings Him the most Glory!

All Glory to God!